Step 1
Learn to Ollie. When a snowboarder Ollies, it is when they jump up into the air with their snowboard. Practicing on level surfaces helps to get this technique. Ollies are one of several really good snowboarding tricks for a snowboarding beginner.
Step 2
Find a small jump to start on. A jump that is one or two feet is good to start. Try to find a small jump where you will land on a small decline, as this is easier to land your jump. Trust me, landing on flat land is not fun when you are trying to learn how to land a jump on a snowboard.
Step 3
Crouch down a bit as you reach the jump. This will help you to spring up as you jump. Ollie when you reach the jump to give yourself lift. Be careful with this snowboard trick! If you ollie to much or too soon, you will be eating snow. A snowboarding beginner needs to take it slow. Make a few attempts and just let the jump naturally launch you. Once you're comfortable, you can progress with more speed and power
Step 4
Plan your land. You will have a short time in the air to see where you are going to come down. You want to come down flat on your board. Try to avoid landing on the front or back of the board.
Step 5
Bend your knees as you land. This will help your body absorb the shock of the landing. If you feel like you are going to fall, go forward onto your hands and knees.
Step 6
Practice, Practice, Practice. Snowboading tricks are not easy and will require a lot of time and dedication. Don't worry if you mess up or fail at first, it just takes time. Even snowboarders with years of practice don't land every jump.One last really important tip, be aware of other snowboarders around you. When jumping make sure the landing is clear of other snowboarders to avoid accidents. Once you are hitting your basic jumps, you can start working on snowboard grabs, flat land tricks and other snowboard tricks while getting some big air.
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